534 ViewsPeople who are self-employed within a company have every interest in contracting an EIP or an individual pension commitment. Subscribing to such insurance entitles you to significant benefits. The insured person benefits, among other things, from a supplement to his pension. From a tax point of view, it also […]
The different procedures to create a cryptocurrency
572 ViewsA cryptophile may decide to create a cryptocurrency for several reasons. He may want to develop a single currency system within a company, directly remunerate his service providers by freeing himself from traditional currencies or create a community corner. Creating cryptocurrency can also be done for no particular reason, […]
The difference between a demo account and a real account
The best banks for students?
How to lower your reference tax income
How to change banks
Find the right organization to open your bank account
Find out how you can learn Forex
2,378 ViewsIn the past, trading was reserved for professionals and investors. Today, this is no longer the case. Nowadays, anyone can learn trading, regardless of their level and age. But of course, for the result to be satisfactory and impeccable, you might as well follow a training course. In this […]